
2nd Canadian Materials Diffraction Workshop (CMDW2021)

This meeting is a virtual event, 26 – 29 July 2021

Deadline: Registrations will be accepted until July 22nd, 2021, or until the maximum number of students is reached.

Registration applications for CMDW2021 are now being accepted. The Workshop is targeted towards students, postdocs and practitioners who would benefit from an improved understanding of the basic theory and practice of XRD, XRD2 and XRD3 for characterizing materials.

Students, Postdocs, Faculty and Industrial researchers are equally encouraged to apply.

The registration fee is $80 for academics and $150 for non-academic (ex. government/industrial) participants.

Students (and others) wishing to attend the workshop should download the appropriate form, fill it out, and submit it to the organizers (email address on the form):

Academic registration form (.docx or .pdf)
Non-academic registration form (.docx or .pdf)

Please do not send funds with the application. Upon acceptance you will be contacted to arrange payment.