
cncc_logo_05_transparentThe Canadian National Committee for Crystallography is one of a number of Canadian National Committees (CNC’s) whose functions are to represent Canada internationally within relevant international engineering, scientific and humanitarian organisations.

As is near identical to the equivalent Committees on Crystallography of other nations, the CNCC exists to:

The Canadian National Committee for Crystallography is currently a Category III Adhering-Body to the IUCr, thus has three delegates and three votes at IUCr general assembly business meetings (as stated within section 5.5 of the Statutes and By-Laws of the International Union of Crystallography).

The Committee’s primary functions are:

  1. To advise, and receive advisings and directives from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) on matters pertaining to Canadian participation in the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).
  2. To inform crystallographers in Canada concerning the activities of the IUCr.
  3. To nominate persons to represent the crystallographers in Canada as delegates to the General Assemblies of the IUCr.
  4. To provide information and guidance for such delegates
  5. To plan and sponsor scientific meetings in Canada as is consistent with the objectives of the IUCr.
  6. To perform such other duties as are required of national committees of adhering countries under the statutes of the IUCr.
  7. To take any other action directed toward the benefit and advancement of the science of crystallography in Canada and throughout the world.