Program summary

The 13th Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop

Dates: October 26 ā€“ 30, 2020

This is a remote workshop.

Central Standard TimeĀ  –Ā  Time zone in Saskatchewan (GMT-6)

Monday,Ā  October 26

9:00 to 9:05

Welcome and Introductions

Beatriz Moreno

9:05 to 9:50

Introduction to Crystallography

Joel Reid

10:00 to 10:45

Powder diffraction

Joel Reid

10:55 to 11:40

PXRD data acquisition and instrumentation

Brian Toby


Lunch break


14:00 to 15:00

Students install GSAS II

Online support ā€“ CLS IT

Tuesday, October 27

9:05 to 9:50

Bragg reflections/profile analysis

James Kaduk

10:00 to 10:45

The Rietveld Method

Brian Toby / Robert Von Dreele

10:55 to 11:40

GSAS II overview

Brian Toby / Robert Von Dreele


Lunch break


14:00 to 15:00

Individual work on GSAS II examples

Online support

Wednesday, October 28

9:05 to 9:50

Sample Preparation in the Laboratory and XRD Applications Overview

Nathan Henderson

10:00 to 10:45

Solving crystal structures

James Kaduk

10:55 to 11:40

Quantitative phase analysis

James Kaduk


Lunch break


14:00 to 15:00

Individual work on webPDF and JADE online if available – tbd

Individual work on GSAS II examples

Online supportĀ 

Thursday, October 29

9:05 to 9:50

Rigid bodies, MOFs and GSAS II

Brian Toby

10:00 to 10:45

Reciprocal space ā€“ MAX3D software

James Britten

10:55 to 11:40

Thin film characterization

Beatriz Moreno


Lunch break


14:00 to 15:00

Install Max3D and follow example video

Individual work on GSAS II, example video

Online supportĀ 

Friday, October 30

9:05 to 9:50

Neutron diffraction

Graham King

10:00 to 10:45

Pair distribution function – PDF

Stefan Kycia

10:55 to 11:40

PDF data reduction and analysis

Graham King


Lunch break


13:30 to 14:15

What is a synchrotron good for, besides super awesome XRD

Feizhou He

14:15 to 15:15

Install PDFgui and follow PDF example video

Online support