3rd Canadian Materials Diffraction Workshop (CMDW2023)
Tuesday-Friday, Jul 11โ14, 2023
The 3rd Canadian Materials Diffraction Workshop (CMDW2023) will be hosted by the McMaster Analytical X-Ray (MAX) Facility at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Participation in the Workshop will be limited to approximately 30 participants. This will ensure plenty of facetime for participants to interact with Speakers and Instructors, and to mingle and exchange about currents trends in materials diffraction while learning/reviewing the basics of the field and software.
The workshop is targeted towards engineering and science students, postdocs and industrial researchers who would benefit from an improved understanding of the basic theory and practice of 2D and 3D diffraction for analyzing materials โ alloys, thin films, polymers, coatings, minerals, etc.
Software packages such as EVA, Mercury, LEPTOS, SmartlabSTUDIO, GADDS, MTex, WinWulff and MAX3D may be used for teaching with interactive demonstrations at the Workshop. Examples of phase, texture, residual stress analyses, and more will be presented. Practice data sets will be supplied.
Note: Travel support for students and academic staff is available through the Larry Calvert CNC/IUCr Trust Fund Award.