
Article I. Name and Acronym

The name of the committee is “The Canadian National Committee for Crystallography”,

with the acronyms CNCC, CNC/IUCr

Article II. Purpose

The Canadian National Committee for Crystallography is one of a number of Canadian National Committees (CNC’s) whose functions are to represent Canada internationally within relevant international engineering, scientific and humanitarian organizations.

The CNCC exists to promote the advancement of the science of crystallography in Canada and throughout the world and to effect appropriate Canadian participation in the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). Canada is currently a Category III member of the IUCr with three delegates (votes) at IUCr general assemblies. The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) serves as the Adhering-Body.

The Committee’s primary functions are:

  1. To advise, and receive advice and directives from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) on matters pertaining to Canadian participation in the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).
  2. To inform crystallographers in Canada concerning the activities of the IUCr.
  3. To nominate persons to represent the crystallographers in Canada as delegates to the General Assemblies of the IUCr.
  4. To provide information and guidance for such delegates
  5. To plan and sponsor scientific meetings in Canada as is consistent with the objectives of the IUCr.
  6. To perform such other duties as are required of national committees of adhering countries under the statutes of the IUCr.
  7. To take any other action directed toward the benefit and advancement of the science of crystallography in Canada and throughout the world.

Article III. Membership

Section 1: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

The CNCC is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in membership and shall be pro- active in pursuing full participation of equity-seeking groups in the selection of committee members, including women, visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, people with diverse gender identities, and people with disabilities.

Section 2: Eligibility

Membership of the CNCC shall be representative researchers and diverse sub-disciplines within the broader community of crystallography in Canada, regardless, citizenship, language or political stance. Additionally, the committee shall have one member who is representative of the next generation of crystallographers (students, post-doctoral fellows or research associates). The Canadian representative on the American Crystallographic Association (ACA) Council shall be a non-voting member of the CNCC if not already a CNCC member.

Section 3: New Members

New members to the CNCC shall be by nomination through the Vice-Chair. Nominated candidates are placed into a pool of nominees which are reviewed and appointed as required, by consensus of the full committee.

Section 4: Terms of membership

Terms of membership for all regular members of the CNCC shall be limited to three years, renewable once. The term of an officer shall supersede the membership term when both conflict. Officers shall stay on as members for not less than 1 year from the end of their term as an officer. Termination of membership terms shall be on the 31st of December of the last year of the term, or until such time as a replacement has been appointed.

Article IV. Meetings

Section 1: Regular Meetings

The committee shall meet as necessary, a minimum of twice a year. Between meetings, the Chairperson and the Executive Secretary may obtain decisions from the committee by means of ballots.

Section 2: Quorum

One-half of the voting membership participating in a duly called meeting or ballot shall constitute a quorum

Section 3: Observers

Interested individuals beyond members may participate in meetings as observers on invitation by the Chairperson. This may include, Canadian members of IUCr task groups or committees, representatives of the NRC International Relations office, and many others.

Section 4: Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure

Every member of the committee shall disclose any personal or financial interest prior to any vote on any matter, transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of the member or officer, in excess of the general purpose of the committee. The rest of the members will decide if a conflict of interest exists and if the member shall abstain from the vote.

Article V. Officers

Section 1: Chair

The Chairperson presides at all meetings of the Committee and shall have the following duties

  1. Chair all meetings
  2. Plan meetings and develop the agenda in conjunction with the Secretary
  3. Provide leadership and ensure the effective operation of the committee
  4. Work closely with the officers of the committee to ensure that decisions made at meetings are implemented
  5. Act as a spokesperson for the committee
  6. Sign and certify accounts for the committee

Section 2: Vice-Chair

The Vice-Chair presides over meetings in the absence of the Chairperson and has the following duties:

  1. Stand-in for the Chairperson in the case of absence
  2. Assist the Chairperson in carrying out her/his duties
  3. Act as the Nominations Chair, ensuring that there is a pool of candidates to replace term-limited committee members.
  4. The Vice-Chair shall become the Chair if the chair-ship becomes vacant.

Section 3: Secretary

The Secretary has the following duties:

  1. Assist the Chairperson in planning and organizing meetings
  2. Take and distribute minutes of meetings
  3. Handle committee correspondence
  4. Keep the records of the committee
  5. Compile the annual report for the International Affiliations Office

Section 4: Treasurer

The Treasurer has the following duties:

  1. Look after the finances of all the committee’s accounts
  2. Oversee, prepare, and present budgets, and financial reports as needed
  3. Prepare and execute tax filings to ensure compliance
  4. Advice on the financial implications of new initiatives

Section 5: Communication and Outreach Officer

The Communication and Outreach Officer has the following duties:

  1. Implementing the committee’s communication strategy through the committee’swebsite and on social media.
  2. Write news releases, and organize press conferences as needed
  3. Keep committee website and social media content updated and relevant

Section 6: Election of Officers

In the event of a vacancy, the committee may, by resolution, appoint a person to fill such vacancy.

Section 7: Removal

Removal of an officer of the committee prior to the end of their term shall require the concurrence of ¾ of the voting members at a meeting held not less than 30 days after a written motion of expulsion has been circulated to all members. On expulsion, a substitute shall be elected to serve out the rest of the unexpired term.

Section 8: Terms of Officers

Every effort shall be made to stagger the terms of the officers of the committee in order to ensure continuity. Officers of the committee shall serve for a term of at least three years.

Article VI. Conflict Resolution

Disputes or controversies among members or officers shall be resolved as much as possible through mediation and/or arbitration according to the following mechanism

  1. Each party in the conflict shall appoint a mediator, and in addition, the rest of the members of the committee shall appoint a mediator. The three mediators and the parties will meet to attempt a resolution.
  2. If the mediation is not successful, the committee shall appoint a single arbitrator distinct from the mediators previously chosen. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final.