
10th Canadian Chemical Crystallography Workshop (CCCW19)

26th โ€“ 29th May 2019, Montreal, QC

Sunday May 26th:  Hall Building 423

Monday May 27th : Hall Building 1011

Tuesday May 28th : Hall Building 1011

Wednesday May 29th : Hall Building 1011

The Hall Building is at 1455 Maisonneuve Blvd W, which is about a 5-7min walk from the Grey Nuns residence. Detailed room information can be found here.

Wireless internet connection:

Eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) is a wireless network service that allows students, staff, and faculty from educational institutions to securely access the Internet while visiting other member universities. Users simply use credentials from their home institution and they are granted access while visiting Concordia University.